Selasa, 14 September 2010

3 Months Later~~~

Almost 3 months since the day I left my lovely 89A classroom.....

3 bulan kepisah....rasanya udah gaenaaak bgt
padahal kalo diitung-itung, 89A bareng tuh cuma setaun doang! (89A-nya Rafoursis&Refive yaa...)
1 Year! That's it! Only 1 insanely memorable year together, but it will stay in our memory forever (well, at least in MY memory).

Setiap kali gw masuk ke 89A, ketemu adek-adek kelas, ketemu Mr. Aryo atau Mr. Ali, mereka gapernah berubah....they're still the same-old-89A-fellas. 89A masih feels like home tiap kali gw, pia, eka masuk (mungkin mereka juga merasakan hal yang sama). Kalo masuk 89A, gw berubah jadi "the old me" (emg skrg udh ada "the new me"?) yaa, pokoknya gitu deh, jd langsung serasa berada di masa lalu. Jadi keinget masa-masa lalu.

Gw bakal tetep inget kenangan-kenangan 89A dan perasaan gw buat anak2 dan guru2 89A bakal tetep sama sampai kapanpun (amin), gw gatau mereka bakal berubah atau engga, but one thing that I'm so damn sure about is My Feelings for 89A will always be the same....until the end of forever...hahaha

haah, udh ah...bingung mau nulis apa...penyakit lama kambuh nih. Suka gini kalo mau nulis2 ttg 89A. See you next time, guys!

~What Happens in 89A, Stay in 89A!~

Selasa, 07 September 2010

Bandar Djakarta IN ACTION!

So, my friend Eka told me that she will have a birthday party at Bandar Djakarta Seafood Restaurant, Ancol. She invited the whole class.....(well, when I say "class", it means last year's REAL class...)

On the D-day, there are only 6 of us confirmed to attend the party....which is not a problem as long as I can see my old friend's faces nearby. My friend Pia came to my house so we can come together to Ancol with my car. Here's my sister, her name's Caseioppeia,but I call her Pute (it's short for Putri) and idk why....

She's very obsessive with seafood, especially Udang Rebus She wanted to come with me and Eka said "it's okay....she can come too!". So me, Pia, and my sister left my house to Ancol at around 3PM. It's a short journey, traffic jams, which is weird 'cause usually everytime I went to Ancol, I always stucked in the traffic!
We arrived at 4PM and we met Eka at Bandar Djakarta. While we were waiting for the others to come, we "sailed" in a motorboat at Pantai Ancol. It's the freakiest moment that day, cause the water current is so freakin' strong which makes our boat floating in the middle of nowhere. The second is because the sea water spalshed into our faces! Can you imagine that! with all the thrashes floating around the shore and the water splashed into your face?? yucks!

I just continue to next chapter....Finally it's Maghrib time, so we can eat. We all eat like bunch of jungle people who haven't eat in 3 months! We all eat wildly, controlled by our hunger! We ate all of the seafoods in an hour! After we eat, we were planning to go to the beach....just strolling around....

So we gone to the beach, we walked around the beach....which is very good, 'cause you know, with all the wave sounds and the's the greatest moment after all. We took several photos there which are attached here.

Well, I just wanna say Thanks to EKA!!! and I hope someday the whole class can hang out together again, like we used the past....